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Dragons over Ruzafa - Valencia International


Dragons over Ruzafa

Títere has a new proposal in its theatre, in its creative space in the Ruzafa neighbourhood, a surprising play for the enjoyment of all audiences starring a ‘llanterner’ (plumber) and two dragons.

Sala Titere is an original project created by Juan Picó, director, producer and composer of each and every one of the dramatic-musical pieces in his plays. Juan Picó and the symphonic band of automatons, shadows and puppets was founded in 2012.
He himself has brought together a team of technicians and artists from various branches to complete all his wonderful productions.

This first chapter, El llanterner dels dracs’, tells the incredible story of a city plumber and music lover, who is in his workshop with his mechanical musicians and is called to repair a breakdown at the Artesanos school. It is there that he discovers two wild and extraordinary creatures that transform his vision and perception of the place where he lives, the beautiful city of Valencia, and he discovers that the way to communicate with them is through music. This will create an inseparable bond between them.

The theatre is in the street:
Puerto Rico nº33, in Ruzafa, and the performances will start from the 5th of October, every weekend, Saturdays at 12:30h and 19h and Sundays at 12:30h. The ticket price is €8, the duration is approximately 40 minutes and seating is limited, so hurry and book your ticket at

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