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Container Innovation from Valencian Firm - Valencia International


Container Innovation from Valencian Firm

Lighter, Cleaner, Better. Sor Ibérica, from Alzira (Valencia) has developed a new kind of container built with reinforced fibre glass, which will reduce cleaning costs and maintenance, being resistant to corrosion and environmentally friendly.


SOR IBERICA was established in 1971 when a group of businessmen from Valencia (involved in the citrus fruit market), together with an industrialist from Alzira, decided to amalgamate their business activities and find a solution to the problem of refrigerated transport. Refrigeration was a requirement and fundamental part of the logistics of their products. Realising that technological experience was of utmost importance, they joined forces with an Italian industrial group that provided the necessary experience and expertise.

During the early years, their main activity was concentrated on the manufacturing of small, refrigerated vans (particularly for ice cream), immediately becoming Spain’s number one manufacturer.

As time went by, they developed other product lines culminating in mobile refrigerated containers for rail – road transport and refrigerated trailer bodies.

During this period SOR IBERICA S.A. implemented a new strategy within the company. Coupled with a new management team and a good economic climate, it experienced rapid internal expansion. This development allowed it to be recognised as one of the major players in the European refrigerated vehicles market.

A target was set to achieve the necessary financial and industrial foundations for a solid move towards continued improvement – in the quality of its products – and research to help develop new materials and products.

In 1996, SOR IBERICA S.A. acquired the most advanced technology available, leading to a notable improvement in its quality standards. Today, the company strongly believes that the trailer market sector, is becoming increasingly advanced and technically specific. A commitment to this will allow the company to grow and focus on Europe.

The company has increased its presence considerably, both in the Spanish market (where they are the current leader) and on the international market where they are beginning to occupy a significant position (presently ranked the 5th largest European company). Now with offices in the UK, SOR will lead the way for expansion into the UK market and build the group as a leader in Europe.

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