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World War One Exhibition

World War One Exhibition

As part of the commemoration activities to mark the 100 anniversary of the start of World War One, Valencia’s L’Iber Museum, with the largest collection of toy soldiers in the…

Valencia International at IES Juan de Garay

Valencia International at IES Juan de Garay

On January 14th Valencia International paid its first visit to a school for 2015. Our victims were two Bachillerato groups, to whom we explained what Valencia International is, and we…

Don’t leave me at home; Techmeout

Don’t leave me at home; Techmeout

Six Valencians in Guangzhou is a lot of Valencians, and it’s not surprising that if they didn’t teach the Chinese to make a passable paella, they would almost certainly come…

Direct Mortgages SL: Life in Valencia

Direct Mortgages SL: Life in Valencia

The word ‘mortgage’, as anyone who knows any Latin languages can imagine, is connected with ‘death’. And although some people take one on like a condemned prisoner being fitted for…

Kibi Toys: Stimulating the Senses

Kibi Toys: Stimulating the Senses

Isaac Saneleuterio and Maya Callejo are two Valencians who probably wouldn’t give their children a Play Station as a present. They are the creators of Kibi Toys, and they make…

The Rice Museum of Valencia

The Rice Museum of Valencia

It’s logical I suppose that when the City of Valencia decided to turn an old rice mill into a museum, that they should consult the Faculty of Industrial Engineers of…

What’s the ‘Huerta’?

What’s the ‘Huerta’?

The English word ‘orchard’ was once spelt “hortyard”, and derives from the Latin “hortus”, meaning ‘garden’ and the old English “geard”, meaning ‘yard’. In Valencia the “huerta”, although it can…

The Valencia Marathon 2014

The Valencia Marathon 2014

On November 16th 2014 Valencia celebrated the thirty-fourth edition of the Trinidad Alonso Marathon. The event coincided with another ten kilometre race in which eight thousand runners participated. This article…

Valencian Polish Salsa

Valencian Polish Salsa

Valencia is an interesting city; you go out for a relaxing cup of coffee in a typical bicycle repair shop and you end up in conversation with a Polish couple…

Is Paris Burning, or Cooking Paella?

Is Paris Burning, or Cooking Paella?

The French ambassador of Spain, Jérôme Bonnafon, was in Valencia on 12th November 2014 to pay homage to the Valencian who liberated Paris from the Nazis. Amado Granell Mesado, who…