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Casa Tamarit - Valencia International


Casa Tamarit

I must have walked past Casa Tamarit in Albalet de Sorells a dozen times without thinking of eating there; perhaps because it’s weekends only.

It looks small from the outside, but once inside you find two very large dining rooms.

The first is very tastefully decorated, with walls swarming with art.

The other, clearly for overspill and events, is plainer.

There is no daily menu and so you eat a la carte, and there are plenty of typical dishes such as Esgarret, roasted peppers and salted, dried cod, although with an individual flourish distinguishing it from the more typical examples of the same dish.

There is no written menu, except the one the waitress uses to take note of your order, so it’s a good way to practise your Spanish of Valenciano, unless like me, your brain no longer retains vast quantities of information (three dishes) and you take a peek.

The main dishes include a delicious sirloin steak and a variety of fish cooked in simple village style.

Casa Tamarit opens for supper Friday and Saturday and lunch Sturday and Sunday.

Javi and his friendly staff will make you very welcome and chuck in a Mistela at the end of the meal to ensure a mellow exit, albeit a blurry one.

Casa Tamarit is located in Calle Mayor 169.

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