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Berliner Wein Trophy Successes for Valencia - Valencia International


Berliner Wein Trophy Successes for Valencia

In Berlin, by the wall, wine or wein is spelt with a V as two great Valencian wine makers have won once again more than their fair share of awards, with Anecoop taking four gold medals and Murviedro taking 6 golds and 5 silvers, with special success being achieved by the Bobal wines and the cavas.
The 2013 Cepas Viejas was especially successful, and not only because it is available in a special one and a half litre bottle in a special wooden presentation box.
Among the cavas, Murviedro struck gold again with its Gran Castillo Sparkling Rosé
Murviedro once again demonstrated its status as a socially responsible company with its prize winning Murviedro Expresión Solidarity Cuvée, part of whose proceeds are donated each year to the Fundación Johan Cruyff, which helps the handicapped through sports.

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Another Valencian company Anecoop Bodegas achieved four golds at the bi-annual February edition, the Castillo de Montroy Reserva 2012, Venta del Puerto Nº12 2013, Sequiot Tinto 2015 and the Torre Tallada Reserva 2012.

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