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Art and Feet - Valencia International


Art and Feet

Challenging frontiers is the subject of a cultural initiative presented in Valencia by Compañia Improvisada from 10th March to 3rd April at the Espacio Inestable theatre in Ruzafa.

Cartel A los Pies de Europa

The work being presented, a mixture of dance, words and audiovisuals is called ‘A Los Pies de Europa,’ and explores the situation dramatically emphasized by the refugee situation caused by the conflicts in the Middle East.

Cartel A los Pies de Europa (2)

The performance reminds us that while feet are made for walking, for some they are the only weapon to carry them away from destruction.

Zapatos Pies

It is the work of Valencian Miguel Tornero and Henar Fuentetaja from Madrid, and is a collaboration with the Valencian company Drone Spain.

Espacio Inestable seeks to offer opportunities to artists looking to develop new initiatives and this work is the result of a wider Project involving 50 national and international theatre companies.

Compañía Improvisada is since 2015 the resident theatre group of the Casa de Cultura at Meliana.

Espacio Inestable (C/ Aparisi y Guijarro, 7. Valencia).

Reservations: 963 91 95 50 / sms 665 38 80 00

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