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Argente: Taste and Quality. It's Official! - Valencia International


Argente: Taste and Quality. It’s Official!

Personally I like my linen and my shirts to be crisp; however, I don’t usually eat either. What I do like to eat are Argente crisps, which seem to be crispier than normal crisps, just like the ones my grandmother would have made if she hadn’t been too busy with the Blitz.

Argente is based in Alberic and has been run by three generations of the family of the same name since 1924 when it was founded by José Argente. At first José would deliver his product locally on his Vespa, but now they export to 28 countries.

The International Taste & Quality Institute, based in Brussels, is the world’s leading organization dedicated to certifying the TASTE of food and drink products, and among the recipients of their awards for 2020 is Argente.

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