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A Year in the Life of a Tree - Valencia International


A Year in the Life of a Tree

We often take trees for granted, until we need oxygen or shade and then we discover their importance, and that some are better than others.

If meritocracy is a tree thing, then the Valencian dream is alive and well on Elm Street, or at least one Valencian elm is successfully spreading its branches across Europe.

The small Valencian village of Navajas, despite its belicose name, is well known and appreciated for its river, where summer bathers often sling themselves off rocks in order to cool down.

Everyone there knows Elm Square, and has probably shadebathed under its emblematic tree. A plaque in the square informs us that the elm was planted by Roque Pastor in 1636.

Now the elm of Navajas has been voted best tree in Spain, and the 382 year old will be taking on Europe’s tallest and greenest in a bid to win the coveted 2019 title.

The Spanish NGO Bosques Sin Fronteras holds the Premio Árbol Nacional y Europeo del Año, every year and this year Valencia will be reaching for the canopy, attempting to overshadow candidates from all over Europe.


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