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Rosebud and Citizen Saiz - Valencia International


Rosebud and Citizen Saiz

“Rosebud” whispered Orson Wells on his deathbed as Citizen Kane, and the name stuck with at least one citizen of Valencia, Juan Angel Saiz, a cinema buff who decided to open a shop with the same name in the centre of Valencia in an arcade where there were once a plethora of cinemas.

Today cinemas are harder to find, but Rosebud continues in Calle Pelayo 9, selling hard-to-find articles and expressing the restless love of the silver screen of Juan Angel.

You can find things there that don’t exist elsewhere, especially soundtracks of films that the producers considered unprofitable to put onto the market. Juan Angel on the other hand wants to ensure that anyone who wants a copy of the soundtrack of Renzo Rossellini’s ‘Il Magistrato difendo il mio amore’ only has to pop into the shop. Or, if you want the original poster of ‘Alien,’ as it was when released, then you know where to go.

Juan Angel is well known on the airwaves of Valencia, sharing his knowledge and love of the cinema every Thursday night on Radio Klara (FM 104.4) from 10 til midnight, along with Pablo Eibar talking about the new releases and focusing on the social issues reflected in the films.

And on Sundays he focuses on soundtracks from 8 to 10 pm, while in the mornings, at the weekend, you can hear him on the UPV radio (FM 102.5) from 10 to 12.

Juan Angel is a teacher of electrical engineering with a special interest in solar and renewable energies, but he also teaches a cinema music course through UPV’s design school, held at Valencia’s ABC Park cinema on Mondays and Tuesdays when hundreds of people turn up to debate the significance of the latest releases.

You can read more at his blogspot


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