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Human Rights & Other Film Festivals in Valencia - Valencia International


Human Rights & Other Film Festivals in Valencia

The Valencian NGO presented the winners of the 8th Humans Fest International Film Festival at the Aragon Cinema, Av del Puerto on 25th February, where for 3€ we could watch  Paciente, by Columbian director Borja Caballero, and the short film EISEN, by Benjamin Kahlmeyer.

Valencia is fast becoming a beacon for mini film festivals, with the two biggies Cinejove and the Mostra, as well as MICE (nothing to do with rodents but with education, and the Polytechnic University’s festival about shorts related to illness (FICAE).

Is Valencia in danger of becoming a Cinema City? The re-opening recently of two cinemas, the Aragón and the Albatross could indicate a renaissance of the film industry in Valencia.

A new radio programme about the cinema is also due to be launched on Radio Que, presented by Fernando Valencia.

More of this later.


C/ Sueca, 5

46006 Valencia


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