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March 2022 - Valencia International


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Istobal Saves Water

Istobal Saves Water

ISTOBAL technologies save more than 16.3 million litres of water per year in car rental businesses. Not using water recycling systems in washing equipment would mean an annual waste of…

AIMPLAS membranes capture and Convert CO2

AIMPLAS  membranes capture and Convert CO2

SOSCO2 and INNOPUL projects, financed by IVACE and FEDER funds, provide a solution to reduce emissions in the cement, tile, plastic and chemical industries, allowing the selective capture of CO2…

Circus World, John Wayne and Valencia

Circus World, John Wayne and Valencia

In 1964 John Wayne made his one and only film in Spain, an inferior production called Circus World. The last scenes of the film were shot in Madrid’s Retiro park…