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July 2019 - Valencia International


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Shooting Ghosts on 66

Shooting Ghosts on 66

Shooting Ghosts was awarded the best documentary prize at the 28th edition of the Arizona International Film Festival 2019, the oldest film festival in the USA. The short will have…

Caxton College Graduation

Caxton College Graduation

Caxton College Principal Amparo Gil: “We need to learn to assess a student’s abilities and skills in the same way that we grade their knowledge” For six consecutive years, Caxton…

Tapineria: Mussels, Music and Paella

Tapineria: Mussels, Music and Paella

Valencia’s pop up market, Mercado de Tapineria is organising an event called  “Cloachella : Clòtxinas, Música y Paella” on the 12th, 13th and 14th of July 2019. Apart from enjoying…

Mercadona Internationalises (finally!)

Mercadona Internationalises (finally!)

Mercadona is one of Valencia’s most successful and well-known companies. From humble beginnings in the village of Tavernes Blanques, just north of the city of Valencia, the Company has become…

Caxton College Graduation 2019

Caxton College Graduation 2019

Carmen Spinola at Caxton College: “You have to firmly believe that nothing is impossible”. The Manager of Ikea Valencia acted as this year’s sponsor for the ninety students from the…