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September 2018 - Page 2 of 2 - Valencia International


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CHEVALIERE D’HONNEUR Award for Anabel Navas

CHEVALIERE D’HONNEUR Award for Anabel Navas

Valencian Anabel Navas, the owner, among other businesses, of Bierwinkel,  was the first Spanish women to be named “CHEVALIERE D’HONNEUR by the Belgian Beer Brewers Guild. The ceremony took place…

Cárnicas Serrano: Eat, Run, Live

Cárnicas Serrano: Eat, Run, Live

‘U Snack!’ is a tasty Valencian product which has been adopted by the British supermarket chain Asda, part of the USA Walmart empire, in order to Mediterraneanise its customers’ taste…

Friends of British Cemetery Appeal for Help

Friends of British Cemetery Appeal for Help

Dear Friends of the British Int. Cemetery, I have just posted this on our Friend´s page in Facebook – (please give us a LIKE!) … and I think it says it all! …

Riba-roja Goes Visigoth

Riba-roja Goes Visigoth

An interesting people the Visigoths, whose presence in the Iberian Peninsular as Alpha Dogs only lasted from 408 to 517. In the small town of Ribarroja, near Valencia, there are…

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