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April 2018 - Page 2 of 2 - Valencia International


Home » 2018 » April (Page 2)

Dandy Canary

Dandy Canary

The idea of opening a restaurant in Valencia dedicated to Canary Island food is daring to say the least, and yet it is already one of my favourites, and a…

Mercadona: More than just a Pair……of Eggs

Mercadona: More than just a Pair……of Eggs

Mercadona, the Valencian supermarket chain, leader in Spain, has taken a step towards social responsibility and towards a more humane treatment of animals. Through the supplier Huevos Guillén of Paterna,…

Plaza del Mercado Hotel

Plaza del Mercado Hotel

The Plaza del Mercado Hotel is a place of great contrasts. From the outside it looks like a typical Valencian townhouse turned into a block of flats, and turning blue,…

Xàbia Students Saving the Children of Sudan

Xàbia Students Saving the Children of Sudan

Students and teachers at IES Number 1 Xàbia organised an event in favour of Save The Children in Sudan on 28th March 2018. The main event was a run to…

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