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March 2018 - Page 2 of 2 - Valencia International


Home » 2018 » March (Page 2)

A Message from The British Cemetery of Valencia

A Message from The British Cemetery of Valencia

The British Cemetery of Valencia is one of the city’s best kept secrets and one that demonstrates that Valencia has always had a large population of foreigners dedicated to all…

The Magdelena Festival of Castellón

The Magdelena Festival of Castellón

The Magdalena Festival is the main celebration of Castellón de la Plana, the capital city of the province of Castellón. It commemorates the origins of the city, the move from…

More Murviedro Metal

More Murviedro Metal

The Berliner Wein Trophy of 2018 awarded four gold medals to the Murviedro vineyard, including DNA Murviedro Signature EKO 2016, Cueva de la Culpa 2014, Vox Populi Bobal 2015, and…

Federica: God-Given Oranges

Federica: God-Given Oranges

“If God gives you lemons, make lemon juice”; or so said Forrest Gumps’s mother. God gave Valencia quite a few lemons, as well as oranges, mandarins and even grapefruit, mainly…

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