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July 2017 - Valencia International


Home » 2017 » July

Hard Rock Café, Valencia

Hard Rock Café, Valencia

The Hard Rock finally hit Valencia, but fortunately this is not an example of American Gastro-Imperialism, as the owners have opted for high quality local produce to satisfy international appetites.…

Young Valencian Scientists and Hyperloop

Young Valencian Scientists and Hyperloop

Hyperloop UPV is a Spanish team of students from the Technical University of Valencia, who are designing the Hyperloop, a futuristic train concept that could travel at more than 1000…

Smart Homes for Stupid People

Smart Homes for Stupid People

It’s a fortunate reality that as people seem to be getting more stupid, technology is starting to compensate by providing intelligent cars, phones and now houses. Nowadays you don’t have…

There Must Be a (Gluco)Angel

There Must Be a (Gluco)Angel

The Valencia technological Company Instead has taken a step forward in helping diabetes sufferers. Their bracelet, Glucoangel’ offerers immediate, real time information about glucose levels, detecting any sudden increase or…

Holiday pictures of almost 17 years ago

Holiday pictures of almost 17 years ago

Valencia International received this letter from Holland: Dear Editor, Today I was scanning some pictures we took almost 17 years ago in the area of Valencia. On leaving the city…



Finally it has happened; after years of sacrifice and money poured down the drain on frivolities such as education, one of my sons finally invited me to supper! It was…

A Fresh Deal for Farmers

A Fresh Deal for Farmers

Freshdeal is the first Company in Spain that has created a B2B (Business to Business) platform for the agricultural sector. And since 2015 the company has persuaded 2,300 companies to…

Blue Blue Chihuahua

Blue Blue Chihuahua

I cannot help but admire anyone who invests all their money in setting up a business, in taking all the risks an entrepreneur must take; but as they say, he…

An amazing experience 

An amazing experience 

We are Fátima and Carolina, two 15 year old students from IES Francesc Ribalta Castellón de la Plana, and this year we have lived the amazing experience of an exchange…

Valencia’s Dragon Authors with Ximo Rovira

Valencia’s Dragon Authors with Ximo Rovira

The authors of Valencia: Here Be Dragons were interviewed on Radio Levante by well known presenter Ximo Rovira on 13th July 2017. The interview can be heard here, selecting the…

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