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October 2016 - Valencia International


Home » 2016 » October

Hats off to Albero

Hats off to Albero

It’s a law of nature; gentlemen wear hats and scoundrels don’t. Who could imagine Sherlock Holmes without his deerstalker, Napoleon’s black, felt bicorn or Dylan’s leopard skin pillbox hat. It…

Ofifran Tabling Saudi Motions

Ofifran Tabling Saudi Motions

English is a wonderful language; where else can you table a motion, chair a meeting, or discover that a cupboard was originally just a board where people kept their cups…

4/80 or More Ways to Use an App

4/80 or More Ways to Use an App

Cuatroochenta is a Castellón-based company specializing in comprehensive App development for smartphones and tablets, and in customized advanced programming for working process improvements. Their Apps offer companies brand new possibilities…

Young Valencian Award-Winning Engineering Talent

Young Valencian Award-Winning Engineering Talent

Joan Antoni Grau Sapiña, a young engineer from Cullera, Valencia, has wons the  Graduate of the Year in the ‘Young Engineers Awards’.  This event is a worldwide recognition for the…

TouchTheSky: Glasses for Pandas?

TouchTheSky: Glasses for Pandas?

  Probably not; no self-respecting panda would put on glasses made of bamboo and resist the temptation to eat them! And anyway, made to feel light, and weighing in at…

Guastavino: The Documentary

Guastavino: The Documentary

The Valencian documentary company Endora’s documentary about the legendary Valencian architect and builder Rafael Gustavino, has won the Golden Dolphin Award at Cannes, for a work with filming taking place…

Rodolfo Navarro: The Long March from the Great Wall to Shenzen

Rodolfo Navarro: The Long March from the Great Wall to Shenzen

The latest news about Valencian artist Rodolfo Navarro is that he has been contracted by China’s third largest city, Shenzen, to erect a statue in one of its squares. The…

Watercolour in Valencia

Watercolour in Valencia

By Chris Dennison   “Watercolour is a swim in the metaphysics of life…. A mirror of one’s own character.” (Anonymous) I was chatting the other day with Jose Galarzo, president…

Insigna: Dressing Europe’s Police

Insigna: Dressing Europe’s Police

The Valencia clothing Company Insigna was created in the 1970s by Valencian entrepreneur Antonio Gil de los Ríos, and is now run by his children Mario and Antonio. The basis…

Mobincube: Valencian APPlied Science

Mobincube: Valencian APPlied Science

Why download an app from the Internet when you can download one from your own brain? That’s the philosophy of Mobincube, a Valencian company that allows users to create their…