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May 2015 - Valencia International


Home » 2015 » May

Valencia’s Last Executioner

Valencia’s Last Executioner

People complain a lot about work, or the absence of good, interesting posts available; and yet Saudi Arabia was looking for eight unskilled executioners recently, which goes to show that…

La Pepica: if it’s good enough for Hemingway……

La Pepica: if it’s good enough for Hemingway……

There is a corner of Valencia that is forever Hemingway; in fact there is more than one, but the only place where you can see and feel the presence of…

Feeling (Siente) the Real Valencia

Feeling (Siente) the Real Valencia

When I travel I like to try local produce; local wine (except when in England), local olive oil (ditto), local cured ham (double ditto), and when I am home in…

IES Ribalta literature project.

IES Ribalta literature project.

The students from IES Ribalta, Castellón, had the opportunity to write and publish a book. It is often said that school kills creativity (as a video in showed recently),…

Victor Manuel Blazquez: Killing the Thing you Love

Victor Manuel Blazquez: Killing the Thing you Love

I once drove past a herd of bulls in Cuenca and rolled up the window, that being the only extra protection available at the time. The idea then of standing…

Movies Made in Spain Conferences

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Spanish set jetting has its home in Valencia, with the first European project about cinema tourism in a single country; Movies Made in Spain. Now the project is on…

Good Books, Good Works

Good Books, Good Works

Valencia has a new second hand bookshop in Calle Moratin 11, and book lovers will have the satisfaction of knowing that in buying one of these moderately priced books, they…

Pio XII and Hollywood & History

Pio XII and Hollywood & History

A second group of 2nd ESO students visited the L’Iber Museum on 19th May and discovered that all is not what it appears to be in Hollywood. They discovered that…

American Space: Your Giant Leap in Valencia

American Space: Your Giant Leap in Valencia

When I first heard about American Space, I had visions of Neil Armstrong and the man from ET with the jangling keys. However, American Space is much more down to…

Spanish people are NOT stupid…but their “democratic” system sure is.

Spanish people are NOT stupid…but their “democratic” system sure is.

A Canadian resident in Valencia examines the Spanish political system. Spanish elections have just come and gone. It is the largest farce of a democracy you can imagine and the absolutely…

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