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January 2015 - Page 2 of 2 - Valencia International


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IES Torre del Rei de Oropesa del Mar, Castellón: Hollywood & History

IES Torre del Rei de Oropesa del Mar, Castellón: Hollywood & History

IES Torre del Rei de Oropesa del Mar, Castellón became the latest school to visit the L’Iber Museum to sample Hollywood & History. As they had come all the way…

Honey Dukes British Restaurant, Oliva

Honey Dukes British Restaurant, Oliva

Valencia’s Costa Blanca is the home of many people from Northern Europe, and for many Spanish people this is a wonderful opportunity to learn and practise English, French or German.…

World War One Exhibition

World War One Exhibition

As part of the commemoration activities to mark the 100 anniversary of the start of World War One, Valencia’s L’Iber Museum, with the largest collection of toy soldiers in the…

Valencia International at IES Juan de Garay

Valencia International at IES Juan de Garay

On January 14th Valencia International paid its first visit to a school for 2015. Our victims were two Bachillerato groups, to whom we explained what Valencia International is, and we…

The Great Valencian Teddy Bear Escape

The Great Valencian Teddy Bear Escape

That favourite among children’s toys, the teddy bear, was named after President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, who apparently spared the life of a baby bear while out hunting one day, after…

Don’t leave me at home; Techmeout

Don’t leave me at home; Techmeout

Six Valencians in Guangzhou is a lot of Valencians, and it’s not surprising that if they didn’t teach the Chinese to make a passable paella, they would almost certainly come…



We are second year students of “Educación Infantil” in Vocational Training School “Faitanar” in Quart de Poblet. And finally we can say we have successfully put on the children’s panto…

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