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September 2014 - Page 3 of 3 - Valencia International


Home » 2014 » September (Page 3)

Cocktails RU

Cocktails RU

Most of us enjoy a relaxing cocktail from time to time, as long as they are not of the Molotov variety, named after the Russian Minister who sent his tanks…

They Can See Clearly Now

They Can See Clearly Now

August 2014 was a good month for the people of Kisumu, a port of 400,000 inhabitants in Kenya, which was visited by a team of ophthalmologists from Alicante. The doctors,…

Adios, Heavy Metal

Adios, Heavy Metal

More and more adults opt for orthodontics to improve their smile and oral health and are choosing alternative techniques to do so. Orthodontia is usually associated with teenagers, but an…

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