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February 2014 - Page 2 of 2 - Valencia International


Home » 2014 » February (Page 2)

Valencian Software Prized in Brazil

Valencian Software Prized in Brazil

Perhaps they’re preparing for the World Cup when taxis will be as rare as an England victory, but Brazil has certainly taken note of the Valencian software company Taller de…

Valencia International Invades Manises

Valencia International Invades Manises

The Valencia International Roadshow hit IES José Rodrigo Botet Manises on February 3rd 2014 as three groups of students were offered up for sacrifice by teacher Lola Pla. From 8.30…

Valencia’s World Cup

Valencia’s World Cup

Although Spain is now the World champion, there was a time when nobody ever believed that Spain could become the best team in the World. In 1982, possibly as a…

Valencia International Visits IES Malilla

Valencia International Visits IES Malilla

For our second school visit we were invited to IES Malilla by English teacher Concha Pomares. Two groups of sixth formers listened attentively and asked lots of questions about Valencia’s…

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