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APAVAC Stories

APAVAC Stories

  Name and surnames  MIREIA IVARS TOMÁS Level 1 ESO Teacher’s name  VERÓNICA REAL MORTE School IES ANDREU ALFARO Town PAIPORTA (VALENCIA) Title of the story A DAY IN LONDON…

The Murder by Marina Sebastián Traves

The Murder by Marina Sebastián Traves

From: San Antonio de Benageber (Valencia) It was seven minutes after midnight, when Selene, a neighbour of Queen Street, London, heard a noise from the apartment which was next door.…

Lanterns by Héctor Guillén Manzanera,

Lanterns by Héctor Guillén Manzanera,

Lanterns It was seven minutes after midnight; the corridor was dark as the whole school. The dark corridors, being lit-up by children’s lanterns, looked sinister. Children left open porter’s office…

I APAVAC Writing Contest

I APAVAC Writing Contest

Name and surnames Claudia Fernández García Level F2º ESO Teacher’s name Inmaculada Casanova School SALESIANOS SANJUAN BOSCO It was seven minutes after midnight…I couldn’t sleep. I went to the kitchen…

APAVAC Writing Contest

APAVAC Writing Contest

Laura Aparicio Gamón: Salesianos School The Call It was seven minutes after midnight the last time I saw him alive. He was my husband and I loved him until that…

Domus School’s Arkansas Robot Success

Domus School’s Arkansas Robot Success

Students are the Domus school of Godella near Valencia have crossed the Atlantic to teach the Americans a thing or two about technology. The team, calling themselves ‘Curiosity’ took on…

And the Winners are……..Craig and Reza!

And the Winners are……..Craig and Reza!

Hi, I’d like to ask a favour. Could you nominate us for a podcast award? We won last year, and thank you so much if you voted, but this year…

APAVAC Prize Giving

APAVAC Prize Giving

APAVAC took pleasure in inviting the winners, the finalists, relatives, teachers and friends to  the 1st APAVAC Literary Contest Prize Giving Ceremony,  which took place on Thursday, 12 May at …

Catarroja Forestry Managers Prune the Tree of History

Catarroja Forestry Managers Prune the Tree of History

A group of trainee forestry managers, accompanied by their teachers Elisa and Catherine, visited the L’Iber Museum, where they sowed the seeds of knowledge and planted a few new ideas…

Celebrating a Multicultural Quijote

Celebrating a Multicultural Quijote

Caxton College celebrated World Book Day with a continuous reading of “El Quijote” in which students and guests from various cultural spheres took part, and where Cervantes’ words were read…